A downloadable game

Ludum Dare 52 Entry - Harvest

You can dig up to 3 holes at a time by clicking the trowel button then on the ground. Drag a strawberry to it to plant it. Click it when the new strawberries are red to pick them. At the end of a 30 second round your score is the number of strawberries/strawberry plants x round. If a fly touches a strawberry plant it will disappear, so put a strawberry plant in its path to stop it.

As you can tell, I didn't really have much time to finish it and it might not even run (Java is messed up on my PC) but it DOES WORK if you can get it to run. If it doesn't run, I'll fix it later.


Those Gosh Darn Flies.zip 354 kB
Those Gosh Darn Flies (Java8).zip 354 kB

Install instructions

Download the Newest Version of Java from Java Downloads | Oracle

Double click the .jar

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